Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

Blastula B stage - B. lanceolatum development_03

Organism : Lancelet Amphioxus
Species : Branchiostoma lanceolatum
Description : Confocal image of B. lanceolatum blastula B stage embryo stained with FM 4-64 and Hoechst, stacks every 2µm
Project : An updated staging system for cephalochordate development
Data type : Fixed labels
Attributions : João E. Carvalho, François Lahaye, Luok Wen Yong, Jenifer C. Croce, Hector Escrivá, Jr-Kai Yu, Michael Schubert
Publication : An updated staging system for cephalochordate development: one table suits them all
Licensing :
Tags : Blastula Confocal Development Embryo lancelet B stage
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