Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

Supplementary Movie 9. Dynamics of cortical actin cap during meiosis II

Organism : Ascidian
Species : Phallusia mammillata
Description : Unfertilized eggs were injected with LifeAct::mCherry protein to label actin and fertilized. Confocal time-lapse experiment during meiosis II showing emission of PB2. Note the accumulation of actin on the cortex of the egg adjacent to PB1. Cortical outpocket of PB2 appears at 6 min. in the movie (but please note that this is equivalent to 25 min. post fertilization). Note that an actin cap is present before the cortical outpocket appears. Note also that the first midbody is visible at (3-6 min.) and also between PB2 and PB1 (10 and 19 min.). Scale bar = 20µm. n=8.
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Tags : Fertilized Egg LifeAct::mCherry
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